Friday, May 29, 2009

Its Been A While

I haven't done a blog in forever, so I'll try to recap as much as I can.

I worked. Section golf, didn't go on. Worked. Throw in some graduations. Worked some more. Hang out with friends.

Wow its hard to do a blog when you have no effort to do anything.

I miss seeing some people.

Some others, not so much.

Mike got a haircut.

Here's a french related pick up line that I heard.

Man: Do you like french food

Woman: Yes

Man: Boneapateet (emphasis on the bone and make hand gestures to his loins.)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Today I had a golf meet. It was so FUCKING hot. We were in a valley that didn't have any wind. It made the day just horrible. I am advancing to Sections which is good.


Tomorrow should be a good day. I don't really have much. I just gotta get things done and turned in.

Holy shit its hot.

Someone made my day today.

I love root beer.

I ate a whole tube of Pringles.

Two more days of school, yes.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Today I went to the Aids walk. It was fun and weird. There were some......interesting people there. A guy ripped off his pants and danced for like 15 minutes. It was disturbing and hilarious at the same time. During the walk I walked with Krista, Sam, and Katie. It was a good time. We looked and critiqued house. They were a lot of really nice houses. I drove on the way back and everyone in the van, besides me, was asleep.

Then I went to Brad's Grad party. I stayed for like 20 minutes and left.

I then took a hour nap. Did farm chores and then golfed for 3 hours. I love golfing. It relaxes the body and soul.

I have two days of school left. Can't wait for them to be done.

I have a lot of things I want to do this summer. But, I can see my job getting in the way of that. My dad wants me to work so much and doesn't realize this might be the last summer with my friends like this.

I really want to go on a week long camping, canueing trip. It would make my summer just amazing.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Busy Like a Bee

Today was a very long, but eventful day.

I left for golf at 6:45 and teed off at 8:30. The course we golfed at was weird, I shot bad, but so did everyone else, so I don't feel to bad.

Went to the DQ in Wabasha, and at this time it is 2:30.

I went back to school for the last 10 minutes. It was the only time I was in school today.

Went and golfed some more at the Jewel.

At 6 I went to the hospital and they did some stuff to me. They did it so the doctors know how to treat trauma patients. So all I did was play dead or limp.

Then they had a ultrasound clinic. It was run by a really smart old guy. So all I did was lay there on a hospital bed, with my shirt off, and all the doctors would take turns finding different landmarks. Ex. liver, spleen, kidney, different parts of the heart, lung rhythm. I have a very slow heart beat. It was cool to watch and I learned really fast how to do it.

There was a group of female med students there and I overheard them say that at least the guy is good looking. That made my day a little bit.

With the observations that I made I came to the conclusion that males are more gentle than females. They took the ultrasound and would drive it into me. My stomach and ribs are a little sore from it.

I have no idea what I have planned for Friday after school.

But in school, I have so much to do. Well, just one test.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Its all Mental

Today I did a lot of thinking. I thought of the mental side of golf more today then any other day in my life. I practiced zoning out and just playing. It was really fun and it works really good. Plus, I did it in 34 mph wind.

As each day goes by I can't wait for summer to come.

Tomorrow we find out what scholarships we got. I can't wait to for people to stop bitching about scholarships. There is nothing you can do about it. People just need to grow up.

Today I also realized that I'm getting skinnier. I don't know how. My diet hasn't changed. It must be all the golf.

School was pointless, but in a good way. I didn't do anything.

I love being in love, it makes days more interesting, and you always have something to think about. I just can't wait for the day to spill it out to her. Just waiting for the right time.

This was a good blog.

O wait I have more.

Nope lost it.

Monday, May 11, 2009

O Golf

Today had high points and low points. I golfed pro-like golf until about the 15th hole. Then I shit all of it away. But this is a totally positive blog.

My senior slide has hit my blog.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Well You Know

Today was a okay day. Nothing good, nothing bad, just a normal day.

Went to work at 6, got done at 2.

Went to Frontnac to play softball. 4 people showed up, out of the 8 that said that were coming.

Mike's blog was very insightful, made my day.

My love grows everyday. I want to be with her so bad it hurts, but still I wait until the time is right.

Tomorrow is filled with studying for AP Bio. Can't wait to get done with it.

I got a letter saying that I got at least 1 scholarship. This makes me happy. That was my goal all along. Not a very hard goal, but I'll take whatever I can get.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Stomach Ache

I had a really good day, besides this huge stomach ache that I have right now. It really hurts and I want it to stop.

I'm very tired and I'm sorry, but I want to go to bed. So good night.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

AP Lit is Done With

AP Lit is done with. The test went good, so I think. I got done with the test with time to spare.

I accomplished almost nothing at school after that. Listened to next year plans of calc students.

Sat in Lit and watched YouTube. Stats, tried to work, but couldn't concentrate.

Man I'm sick of typing lit right now so good day to you and have a great weekend

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ice Cream Cake

I had some ice cream cake. Just thought that I'd throw that out there.

Ap Lit test tomorrow. I spent about 3 hours today reviewing literature. I feel confident in getting a 3. I think everyone in the class can get a 3.

I'm falling in love more and more as time goes on.

It looks really cool outside right now. More rain is coming.

School was boring today. Didn't really do anything.
(Don't worry Krista Stats wasn't that bad)

I hope tomorrow goes good. I'm more excited about being done than taking the test.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I see a pencil so that's the title.

Mike thought my joke was funny. Yes.

I found something rather confusing today.

School was pointless.

Tomorrow should have more to it.

I'm out of jokes, so Mike I'm very sorry.

Short blog, gotta save energy for the AP Lit test.

Monday, May 4, 2009

O How I Hate Monday's

I kinda hated today, only for the fact that I golfed really bad today.

I got really tired.

I talked to her today, we had a good chat.

I fell really frustrated about one thing right now and it really is going to bug me for a long time.

I like starting every sentence with I.

I got a little joke for you.

Q: How do you get a Nun pregnant.

A: You fuck her.

If I offended anybody with that joke, I'm sorry.

I want somebody to hold in my arms for once, but don't see it happening for a long time.

I am not hungry at this moment.

Ap Bio packet sucks.

Good Pic. Good looking people in this photo

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Prom was a lot more fun than I thought.

I picked up Ashley at 1:45ish and we went to Sam's to wait for everyone else. We went to the Jewel to eat and it was kinda depressing. They only had 3 meal choices. No menu, just 3 choices.

We then headed to Patton Park for pictures, pictures, and more pictures. I fought through it and made it. Then we headed to the park by the lake and toke more pictures. It was more bearable this time because they were fun pictures.

We went to DQ, didn't get anything. Just chatted with everyone that was there.

For the 1 hour wait time that we had we went to Drew's house and watched ESPN and just relaxed.

Did the whole Grand March thing.

Did the whole Bus Thing.

Danced, a little.

Had fun at the dance.

Rode bus back.

Took suit off, yes.

Went to Sam's house, ate puppy chow, spun in circles, and sat around the camp fire.

I watched Sandlot, everyone fell a sleep besides Sam and I. We just watched the movie till the end. At this time it is 4 in the morning. I go to sleep in the tent. I wake up thinking it has to be at least 9, but no it was 7:30 and everyone was awake. I got like 3 hours of sleep. For a side note, Katie has a lot of energy in the morning.

We ate breakfast, it was amazing.

I went home and is now typing this blog.

Good Prom, Good Friends, Good Time.