Saturday, August 1, 2009

Boring but not Bad

Today I worked for only 3 hours. It was amazing. Then I went home and did nothing until Jake came and we went golfing. Then I went home and I took a nap until 6. Talked to someone for a little bit. Good chat. Ate supper and now I'm blogging. Im watching tv and sitting on my laptop. Im watching Dragonquest.

I talked to someone on facebook for 2 hours today. I love talking to her. She's funny and keeps me on my feet.

I talked to my roommate. He seems really cool and I think we'll get along just fine.

My dad is starting to make me mad. Enough said.

College is just around the corner. I get more excited everyday.

I thought I would have a lot to blog about. I was wrong.

I'll keep on thinking.


  1. Just by interest, if you end up in a room with a person ye really don't get along with, can ye change to an other room?

  2. i think u can if there is space somewhere else or u can find someone to switch with.
