Monday, March 30, 2009


I got 4 scholarships done today. It wasn't that bad, went really smooth.

School was okay today. In career investigations there was a code blue. It was cool to see all the people work so fast. I now have a greater respect for what they do. In the end it wasn't a code blue (heart failure), the person just fell and had a nasty cut.

In study hall I colored. Anatomy, I ate crackers. Peer tutoring, enhanced the learning of 7th graders. Played pictionary in Ap Bio, pointless, but fun. Ap Lit, frustrating. Stats, easy and has enhanced my dislike toward twilight.

Golf was good. Mr. Rangaurd forgot what Nick's name was, so referenced him as "that guy."

I can't wait for this summer and college. I know I'll regret saying that later in life, but for now I'm sticking to it.

Mike is follower of my blog now. So everyone say hello to Mike.
